Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk: (1)
mendeskripsikan gambaran hasil pre-test siswa kelas eksperimen dan
siswa kelas kontrol pada materi pokok suhu dan perubahannya,
(2) mendeskripsikan
gambaran hasil post-test siswa kelas
eksperimen dan siswa kelas kontrol pada materi pokok suhu dan perubahannya,
(3) menentukan ada
tidaknya perbedaan yang signifikan antara skor rata-rata hasil pre-test siswa kelas eksperimen dengan
skor rata-rata hasil pre-test siswa
kelas kontrol pada materi pokok suhu dan perubahannya,
(4) menentukan bahwa
skor rata-rata hasil post-test siswa
kelas eksperimen lebih baik secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan skor
rata-rata hasil post-test kelas
kontrol pada materi pokok suhu dan perubahannya, serta
(5) menentukan bahwa
skor rata-rata gain (peningkatan) hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas eksperimen
lebih baik secara signifikan dbandingkan dengan skor rata-rata gain
(peningkatan) hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas kontrol pada materi pokok suhu dan
perubahannya. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam
penelitian eksperimen kuasi. Subjek uji coba dalam penelitian ini meliputi
peserta didik kelas VII SMP Negeri 4 Kendari. Data dikumpulkan melalui lembar
observasi aktivitas pembelajaran dan tes hasil belajar. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa: (1) gambaran hasil pre-test
siswa kelas eksperimen pada materi pokok suhu dan perubahannya yaitu diperoleh
skor maksimum 43, skor minimum 14, skor rata-rata 24,7 dan standar deviasi
6,89, sedangkan pada kelas kontrol yaitu diperoleh skor maksimum 40, skor
minimum 17, skor rata-rata 27,64 dan standar deviasi 6,15, (2) gambaran hasil post-test siswa kelas eksperimen pada
materi pokok suhu dan perubahannya yaitu diperoleh skor maksimum 86, skor
minimum 51, skor rata-rata 62,86 dan standar deviasi 7,18, sedangkan pada kelas
kontrol yaitu diperoleh skor maksimum 63, skor minimum 40, skor rata-rata 50,29
dan standar deviasi 5,89, (3) tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara skor
rata-rata hasil pre-test siswa kelas
eksperimen dengan skor rata-rata hasil pre-test
siswa kelas kontrol pada materi pokok suhu dan perubahannya, (4) skor rata-rata
hasil post-test siswa kelas
eksperimen lebih tinggi secara signifikan daripada skor rata-rata hasil post-test siswa kelas kontrol pada
materi pokok suhu dan perubahannya, (5) skor rata-rata gain (peningkatan) hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas eksperimen lebih
tinggi secara signifikan daripada skor rata-rata gain (peningkatan) hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas kontrol pada
materi pokok suhu dan perubahnnya, yang ditunjukkan oleh skor rata-rata gain kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol yaitu sebesar 0,5 dan 0,31.
Kata kunci: Media pembelajaran e-learning, pembelajaran berbasis web
online, hasil belajar IPA.
research aims to: (1) describe the description on pre-test result of experiment
class and control class students in main materials of temperature and its
changes, (2) describe the description on post-test results of experiment class
and control class students in main materials of temperature and its changes,
(3) determine whether or not any significant differences between the average
score of pre-test results of experiment class and the average score of
post-test results of control class in main materials of temperature and its
changes, (4) determine whether or not any significant differences between the
average score of post-test results of experiment class and the average score of
pre-test results of control class in main materials of temperature and its
changes, also (5) determine that the gain (improvement) average score of Sains
learning outcome of experiment class students is better significantly than the
gain (improvement) average score of sains learning outcome of control class
students in main materials of temperature and its changes. This research
includes the quotation experiment research. The data was collected by
observation sheets of learning activity and learning outcome test. The research
results showed that (1) the description of pre-test results of experiment class
in the main materials of temperature and its changes was obtained the maximum
score of 43, minimum score of 14, average score of 24,7 and standard deviation
was 6,89, while in the control class, it was obtained the maximum score of 40,
minimum score of 17, average score of 27,64 and standard deviation was 6,15,
(2) the description of pre-test results of experiment class in the main
materials of temperature and its changes was obtained the maximum score of 86,
minimum score of 51, average score of 62,867 and standard deviation was 7,18,
while in the control class, it was obtained the maximum score of 63, minimum
score of 40, average score of 50,2964 and standard deviation was 5,89, (3)
there was no significant differences between the average score of pre-test
results of experiment class and the average score of post-test results of
control class in main materials of temperature and its changes, (4) the average
score of post-test results of experiment class students is higher significantly
than the average score of post-test results of control class students in main
materials of temperature and its changes, (5) the gain (improvement) average
score of Sains learning outcome of experiment class students is higher
significantly than the gain (improvement) average score of Sains learning
outcome of control class students in main materials of temperature and its
changes, showed by the gain average score of experiment class and control class
namely 0,5 and 0,31.
e-learning media, online web-based, sains learning outcomes.
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